How To Change Your Oil For Beginners
What you’ll need:
- oil
- oil filter wrench
- oil catch pan and funnel
- breaker bar
- jack stand or ramp to jack your car up
- socket set with ratchet and sockets
- gloves
- paper towels
Step 1. Get the right oil.
Check what oil your car takes. You can find this in your car owner’s manual. Flip to the back of the manual and look under oil and capacities. It will tell you how much and the viscosity of the oil you need.
Head to the store and choose the oil the proper size container with the right viscosity your car needs. The size and the viscosity are located on the front label of the oil container.
Step 2. Get an oil filter.
Make sure you get the right oil filter for your specific make and model. You can find this information online on most oil supplier websites
Step 3. Jack your car up.
Use a jack or ramp to get to the oil drain plug underneath the vehicle. When jacking your car up always make sure the car is in park, the emergency brake is pulled up and the rear tires are blocked off. If using ramps, simply drive your car up the ramps and make sure you pull the emergency brake and block off the back tires. This will prevent your car from moving unexpectedly
Step 4. Drain your oil.
Get under the car from the front end and find the oil drain pan. It’s usually black with a bolt on the exterior. Do not confuse it with transmission drain pan, which does not have bolts.
Locate the oil filter , it’s usually right behind the oil drain pan. Some cars have the oil filter on top of the engine, so check there if you have trouble finding it under the car.
Place your tray underneath the oil drain plug. Remove the drain plug from the oil drain pan with your ratchet. Remember, righty tighty lefty loosey. You can also use a long breaker bar because it’s longer and gives you more leverage if you’re having trouble getting the drain plug off.
Wait for all the oil to leak out. Once all of the oil is drained out into the oil tray, it’s time to screw the drain plug back into the pan. Make sure you put a new washer on the drain plug. Use your ratchet clockwise to make sure the drain plug is nice and snug.
Step 5. Change the old oil filter.
To remove the old filter you can use a number of tools. First you can try your hands but, if that doesn’t work use an oil filter removal tool such as a standard filter wrench or pliers. Make sure the oil tray is under the filter because it will leak out some oil.
You can pre-oil your filter so your engine doesn’t run dry by getting a bit of oil on the gasket (the outer rim) of the new oil filter. This also prevents leaks and makes it easier to come off next time you change your oil.
Screw the oil filter right onto the oil filter adapter. It screws right on to the stud and you’ll feel it grab right onto the adapter/stud.
Step 6. Add new oil.
Add new oil to the engine under the hood of the car. You will see the oil cap, which may have some debri around it. Make sure to clean the area before removing the cap.
Add the appropriate amount of oil into the engine. If you pre-oiled your filter, keep in mind the small amount you poured into the filter. Screw the cap back onto to the engine. Close the hood and remove your car from the jack or ramps.
Congratulations, you just changed your car’s oil!1 Response
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